Vancouver Robotics Club Workshops

On March 20th, 2004, the VRC held a Photovore Workshop at BCIT.
The type of Photovore that was built was a ShokPopper. Developed by Grant McKee from Solarbotics, and inspired by Mark Tilden's Shok Architecture.

Grant has written an overview of the circuit, which includes a parts list.
The original schematic from Solarbotics here.

You can view the Instructions and Diagrams for the workshop.

Or you can download a zip file that has it all here.

On April 17th and 18th of 2004, the VRC also held a Walker Workshop.
The type of walker that was built at the workshop was a BEAM Two-Motor Walker. The circuit that was used is a simplified version of a prototype Bio-Bug circuit that Mark Tilden used while developing the Bio-Bugs for WowWee.

You can view the Instructions and Diagrams. You can view the parts list here.

Or you can download a zip file that has it all here.

I would like to thank the following people who helped to make these workshops possible.
Loren Boyle, for aquiring the space for the workshops at BCIT.
Solarbotics, for going beyond the call of duty.
To David Bolivar, for all his help with milling the wooden Body Parts, and Bending Jigs,
as well as to Cecil Paisley of Broken Legs Inc. for his help painting the Body Parts.

There are also some snapshots of a Walker Workshop that the VRC had back in
2002 at Cal's Computer Wharehouse.

VRC Games - Walker Triathalon.

You can check out the Walker Triathalon Competition Track and some tips on building your own.
You can view the rules we use for the VRC Walker Triathalon

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