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Stone 'Enge

Stone 'Enge was a concept sparked by a conversation I had with Mike Trzecieski the first time we saw the new Photovore Competition Arena at WCRG 2000.

We had a good laugh about the possibility of driving right over the post into the center, and come to a complete stop right under the light, covering the dot in the middle, and preventing your opponent from ever getting to it.

Well..years later I decided to build one. I used an LM10, which is an Op-Amp that was designed to be a Voltage Reference that can operate at 1.2 Volts.




Stone 'enge Circuit

Using two Cds(photoresistors), two 10K trimpots, a resistor, and an LED, you can create a 'front-end' to the MSE1 that pulls pin 2 of the 1381 down, preventing the MSE1 from triggering when the sensors read the same light levels.

I am sure that there is a better way of doing this, but hey, this works, and seems to put a smile on everyone's face.

**Note: A couple of things not shown on the schematic.
        1. Add a bypass cap (o.22uF) to pins 4 and 7 on the LM10.
        2. Tie pins 1 and 8 together on the LM10.

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